Friday, December 7, 2018

Version 0.26

New hero added: Ridley

Added new informative text to make menu navigation easier.

Increased the Practice Mode Hero Limit to 4

Moved the mobile controls to the bottom of the settings menu.

Runner hero run speed increased by 0.1


Ridley can dash in any direction dealing damage to enemies in his path.

Damage: 9999


Neeko can shapeshift and stun enemies.

You can press shift to use an ability and use the up and down keys to change abilities.

Passive - Shapeshift into an enemy. Enemies that are looking at are slowed while you're shapeshifted.

Q Ability - Create a plant that blooms and damages enemies. If an enemy is hit it blooms again up to 3 times max.

Damage: 9999

W Ability - Create an illusion of your current image that travels north east or west depending on your direction. You also gain a temporary movement speed boost.

Damage: 9999

E Ability - Fire a blast that stuns enemies it passes through. Each enemy hit increases its size, speed and stun duration.

Damage: 1

R Ability - A giant plant grows at your location. When it's fully grown it stuns and damages enemies.

Damage: 1

Rico Rodriguez

Rico Rodriguez can attach a grappling hook to enemies. Once attached the grappling hook can hurt other enemies that touch it.

Launch Damage: 1

Tether Damage: 9999

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Version 0.25

New Hero Added: Neeko

Runner hero run speed increased by 0.1


Delhanro is a free browser game where you play as over 100 heroes who fight against the forces of evil.

This game is in the alpha stage and a lot of the graphics are currently placeholder graphics.

Delhanro has been in development since January of 2013, but was released publicly in July of 2018.

If you like looking at words, you might like Delhanro.

Delhanro is being developed by Arcana Dragon

Tuesday, December 4, 2018