Friday, December 7, 2018


Neeko can shapeshift and stun enemies.

You can press shift to use an ability and use the up and down keys to change abilities.

Passive - Shapeshift into an enemy. Enemies that are looking at are slowed while you're shapeshifted.

Q Ability - Create a plant that blooms and damages enemies. If an enemy is hit it blooms again up to 3 times max.

Damage: 9999

W Ability - Create an illusion of your current image that travels north east or west depending on your direction. You also gain a temporary movement speed boost.

Damage: 9999

E Ability - Fire a blast that stuns enemies it passes through. Each enemy hit increases its size, speed and stun duration.

Damage: 1

R Ability - A giant plant grows at your location. When it's fully grown it stuns and damages enemies.

Damage: 1

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