Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Version 0.44

New hero added: Connect The Dots

Updated the search feature in the practice mode select screen. Now the cursor moves to a hero as you type his name.

Runner hero run speed increased by 0.1

Connect The Dots

Connect The Dots can jump on enemies to hurt them. He can also connect the dots and that connection can hurt enemies.

Damage: 9999

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Version 0.43

New hero added: You're Just Gonna Sit There?

You can now search for a hero by name through the practice mode hero selection screen.

Runner hero run speed increased by 0.1

You're Just Gonna Sit There?

You're Just Gonna Sit There can fire lasers if you sit down.

Damage: 9999

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Version 0.42

New hero added: Say Cheese

Runner hero run speed increased by 0.1

Say Cheese

Say Cheese can jump on enemies to hurt them. You can also type out the word cheese to summon cheese.

Damage: 9999

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Version 0.41

New hero added: Great Power With Great Danger

Clock now shoots lasers instead of bullets. Laser damage: 9999

Rotator now shoots lasers instead of bullets. Laser damage: 9999

Fixed a bug causing Ultra Instinct Hercule's laser to start on the right side even if he's spawned facing another direction.

Runner hero run speed increased by 0.1

Great Power With Great Danger

Great Power With Great Danger gains the ability to fire multiple lasers if he's close to an enemy. If he's not close he just shoots bullets.

Bullet Damage: 1

Laser Damage: 1

Friday, March 1, 2019

Version 0.40

New hero added: There's an arrow over there. You know what to do.

Fixed a bug causing heroes who have location based powers to target the wrong location. This bug affected heroes like Cory, UB, Steamed Hams, etc. but it's fixed now.

Runner hero run speed increased by 0.1

There's an arrow over there. You know what to do.

This hero can shoot bullets at enemies. Touching the arrow counts as touching a coin, but shooting the arrow causes lasers to fire at every 45 degree angle.

Bullet Damage: 1

Laser Damage: 9999