Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Version 0.31

New hero added: Steamed Hams but it's Animated Text

Runner hero run speed increased by 0.1

Steamed Hams but it's Animated Text

Steamed Hams but it's Animated Text can jump on enemies to hurt them. You can hold shift to let the animation play and the animation damages enemies.

Damage: 9999

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Version 0.30

New hero added: Congratulations, Professor X and Aunt May!

Changed the spell graphics for the Right Spelled Spell.

Choosing the incorrect spell word for the Right Spelled Spell now removes that word instead of changing its color.

Fixed a bug that was causing the title screen typewriter cursor to be out of position.

Runner hero run speed increased by 0.1

Congratulations, Professor X and Aunt May!

Congratulations, Professor X and Aunt May can throw a wedding bouquet up into the air. You can press shift while it's moving to let Professor X move it around with telekinesis.

Damage: 9999

Monday, December 17, 2018

Version 0.29

New hero added: The Right Spelled Spell

Runner hero run speed increased by 0.1

The Right Spelled Spell

The Right Spelled Spell can create an energy blast if he chooses the spell that is correctly spelled. The blast increases in size over time. 


Damage: 9999

Ice - briefly slows enemies

Damage: 1

Lightning - briefly stuns enemies

Damage: 1

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Classic Sylv MC

Classic Sylv MC can shoot short range arrows by pressing shift. She can mind control enemies by pressing the up or down keys. The mind controlled enemies move 2 times faster and can hurt other enemies.

Arrow Damage: 1

Mind Control Damage: 9999