Friday, August 31, 2018

Version 0.20

New hero added: Young Maid

All Bullets are now destroyed when hitting a wall or enemy.

All green lasers are now not destroyed when hitting a wall or enemy.

Cooldown numbers for Well Soterios now show decimals.

Hero's that can jump on enemies now jump on them more smoothly.

The hero: Abandon now shoots lasers instead of bullets.

Fixed a bug that caused only 1 Blood Sacrifice minion to shoot enemies.

Runner hero run speed increased by 0.1

Monday, August 20, 2018


Hamm's coldness aura slows and damages nearby enemies. Enemies are always slowed if they are within the aura, however they only take damage when the aura activates.

Damage: 1

Death Aura

If an enemy is within the death aura when it activates, that enemy dies.

Damage: 9999


Ruler can measure enemies by holding the up or down keys. If Ruler measures an enemy accurately they take damage. 

You can change ruler's measuring position by pressing shift.

Damage: 9999


King can grab and throw enemies.

Damage: 9999

The First Airbender

The First Airbender can fire blasts of air that knock enemies into each other. The Launched enemies can damage other enemies.

Damage: 9999

Launched Enemy Damage: 9999


Ramsay can throw burnt food at enemies.

Damage: 9999