Thank you so much donators! It was because of your donations that I was able to make this update! This will probably be the last major update to Delhanro because I am very busy with work, but if more people donate to Delhanro then I will make another major update to Delhanro. You can donate to Delhanro here:
I will update Delhanro more in the future, but the updates will be smaller because of my busy schedule. If you want me to make bigger updates to Delhanro like the donator update, you can donate to Delhanro here:
You can play the donator update here: Click here to play
New hero added: Arcana Dragon
New hero added: Arcana Dragon (All Chaos Emeralds)
New hero added: Arcana Dragon (Super Saiyan Form)
New hero added: Arcana Dragon (Gamma Radiation)
New hero added: Blue Eyes Arcana Dragon
New hero added: If You Want To
New hero added: Outro
Level 4 Added.
Level 5 Added.
Level 6 Added.
Level 7 Added.
Level 8 Added.
Level 9 Added.
Level 10 Added.
Boss 4 Added.
Boss 5 Added.
Boss 6 Added.
Boss 7 Added.
Boss 8 Added.
Boss 9 Added.
Boss 10 Added.
Added a level 11 coming soon message to the level select screen.
Added Arcana Dragon to the title screen.
Added Arcana Dragon pictures to the game.
Changed the title text to Delhanro by Arcana Dragon
Added a setting on the title screen to change the attack button to the Z key.
Renamed Orbital BFG to Orbital Rocket
Renamed Fortnite Montage to Fortnight Montage
Renamed Kamikaze to Android, Saiba, Cell, Chiao, Etc. Etc.
Renamed Lie To Me to Oreh
The practice mode hero selection text now says press Z to return if you are using Z key to attack.
A (Z key) text now shows in levels if you are using the Z key to attack.
The tutorial text now says Z to attack if you are using Z to attack.
The tutorial text Hero now says Z to attack if you are using Z to attack.
The View controls setting now says Z to attack if you are using Z to attack.
Changed the mobile controls title screen message to Touch or Click to start.
Heroes you select in practice mode are now shown in the practice mode description box.
You can now click on the game over menu buttons even if you don't have mobile controls enabled.
Removed Fill It Mig Non from the roster when using mobile controls.
Removed Pink Raven from the mobile controls roster.
A press 1 to restart message now shows if there are no alive heroes in practice mode and there is no gameover. For example if you use the Saiba, Cell, Chiao, ability in practice mode a press 1 to restart message will show. Also added a touch to restart message if this happens while using mobile controls.
Increased the size of the practice mode screen.
You can now press the 0 key to show the current hero name. Also Added this information to the View Controls Button on the title screen.
The difficulty selection button in the level select screen now only shows if you are fighting bosses.
Removed Abandon from the title screen.
Switched to a different engine version.
The level 3 boss now moves from left and right back and forth.
Multigun Now shoots 4 bullets instead of 4 lasers.
Removed the pause aim ability from the Unsteady Aim hero. Also updated the practice mode description for this.
Updated the attacking sprites for the hero Fortnight Montage
Increased the time allowed to activate Nick Of Time's ability.
The you won message now turns blue if you win without getting a new high score and it turns green when you get a new high score. Also moved the best time high score text down a little.
Updated the name for the Hottest of The Year hero attack.
The reset high scores button now shows a success message when activated.
Increased the rotate speed of robots hit by The First Airbender.
Water Elementals created by Well Soterios can no longer jump.
Water Elementals created by Well Soterios now do 1 damage and slow enemies.
Changed the attack colors for the hero Could only get Donatello so we just used special effects on him for the other three
You can now press the down button or the attack button to activate Moving Thwomp's ability.
Flying Kick now turns blue while attacking.
Increased the maximum typing length for the heroes Yagami and Oreh
Each boss now has 3 new attacks that they can do.
Updated the practice mode description for Flying Kick.
Updated the practice mode description for Intro Arthur.
Updated the practice mode description for Remote Bomb.
Updated the practice mode description for Green Mario.
Updated the practice mode description for Moving Thwomp.
Updated the practice mode description for Jungler.
Updated the practice mode description for Flying Kick.
Updated the practice mode description for Ultra Instinct Hercule.
Updated the practice mode description for UFO.
Updated the practice mode description for A Rocket Launcher That Only Shoots Bullets For Some Reason.
Updated the practice mode description for Kid Reading His Christmas List.
Updated the practice mode description for Congratulations, Professor X and Aunt May!
Updated the practice mode description for Steamed Hams but it's Animated Text.
Updated the practice mode description for Tug of War: Ropes of Olympus.
Updated the practice mode description for Zero Suit Nicole-458.
Updated the practice mode description for Remote Rocket Launcher.
Updated the practice mode description for Explosive RC Helicopter.
Updated the practice mode description for Aftermath.
Updated the practice mode description for Find out what happens when 4 people are in a room with only 1 magazine.
Updated the practice mode description for Eighty Year Old Woman With Her 20 Year Old Stepdad.
Updated the practice mode description for Fill It Mig Non.
Updated the practice mode description for Red Light Green Light.
Updated the practice mode description for Shoes With Small Trampoline Compartments To Reach Top Shelves.
Updated the practice mode description for Garden Hose.
Updated the practice mode description for Could only get Donatello so we just used special effects on him for the other three.
Fixed a bug where the hero Pinata Containing More Pinatas could not be searched in practice mode.
Fixed a bug where the beam would not be destroyed if it fell below a level for the hero Cap finds the beam button...
Fixed a bug where some enemies couldn't throw bands for Exotic Dancer.
Fixed a bug where Bosses wouldn't take damage if there was a robot in front of the boss for the heroes Yagami and Oreh
Fixed a bug where Neeko could use her first ability multiple times if activated repeatedly.
Fixed a bug where new robots that come out of portals could be slowed upon creation.
Fixed a bug where a the wrong title screen animation would play if you entered the title screen from the level selection screen or any screen other than itself.
Fixed a bug where Nick of Time wouldn't activate his ability if he was created after using heroes like Blood Sacrifice's ability.
Fixed a bug where if John Shimmey fired lasers south from above a level the lasers would be destroyed.
Fixed a bug where sometimes Roo wouldn't jump if he's on the ground.
Fixed the grammar in the description box when selecting heroes in practice mode while mobile controls are enabled.
Fixed a bug where the hero Could only get Donatello... would not die if he fell below a level.
Fixed a bug where if you were holding an arrow key when pressing the search button in practice mode, then you let go of the arrow key, then you exited the search feature, then you pressed the select a hero button, the cursor would scroll automatically.
Fixed a bug where if you selected a hero in practice mode using the search button, then you pressed the select a hero button, the description box would say press enter to go back instead of press shift to go back.
Fixed a bug where if you selected a hero in practice mode using the select a hero button, then you pressed the search button, the description box would say press shift to go back instead of press enter to go back.
Fixed a bug where if you were holding the shift key when pressing the search button in practice mode, then you let go of the shift key, then you exited the search feature, then you pressed the select a hero button, the next shift button press would not work.
Fixed a bug where if you were you in practice mode with bosses and got a gameover the HUD text would show the amount of coins instead of the boss' health.
Fixed a bug where if lasers were fired above a level they would be destroyed for the hero Iron Armor Suit...
Fixed a bug where the screen separator for One Half would not show on big levels.
Runner hero run speed increased by 0.1